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Diane Lessnau: after writing books in her private journals for some twenty years, this mother of four and grandmother of nine decided it was time to share them. This new chapter in her life is driven by her vision that books can motivate youth to view the world in a peaceful way, with more kindness toward others and animals that have no voice, and to achieve more than they ever imagined. All children should be able to dream and share those dreams, she believes. And books can help build their self-esteem and help them make choices in life that reflect who they are. 

Diane lives in Denver with her husband. During successful careers in business, they were active in raising funds for organizations that work with kids facing serious illness and advocate for children’s safety and welfare. Diane enjoys walking, gardening, bible study and meditating. It helps keep her centered, she says.

Diane is proud to partner with the Ronald McDonald Houses in Colorado and will be donating 20% of each book purchased through this link to the House that is selected. There are more than 365 Ronald McDonald Houses throughout the world and Diane is proud to partner with the Ronald McDonald Houses in Colorado and will be donating 20% of each book purchased through this link to the House that is selected. 

Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home for families who seek medical treatment for their seriously ill child for little or no cost. For as long as the treatment takes.

More than just a shelter, Ronald McDonald House provides security, comfort, and care. They are places where friendships are formed and where hope is nurtured.

There are more than 365 Ronald McDonald Houses throughout the United States and around the world.

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